What is my routing number?
Transcend Credit Union's routing number is 283079159.
How can i put a travel note on my account?
You can add a travel notes on your account by calling us at 502-459-3000 or visiting any Transcend Credit Union branch.
how can i change my name on my account?
You can update your name on your account by providing us with your updated ID and your marriage certificate.
how can i change my address on my account?
You can update your address on your account by filling out a Change of Address form. These forms can be filled out in any of our branches. You may also send a secured message in the app.
Can I get an ATM withdrawal or daily purchase limit increase on my debit card?
Yes, you can request limit increases by calling us at 502-459-3000 or visiting any Transcend Credit Union branch.
how can i make a payment on my loan or credit card?
You can make a payment on your loan or credit card the following ways:
1. Mailing in a payment to any of our branches
2. Visiting a branch to pay in person
3. Calling 502-459-3000 to pay over the phone from your Transcend account
Does my loan have a grace period?
Yes, auto loans, credit cards, and personal loans have a 10-day grace period. Mortgage loans have a 15-day grace period.
what should i do if i have fraud on my account?
Please contact us immediately at 502-459-3000 or visit any Transcend Credit Union branch.
how do i provide my auto insurance verification?
Visit MyLoanInsurance to provide an up to date copy of your current declaration page or by emailing the declaration page to transcendcu@myloaninsurance.com.
what should i do if i've lost my debit/credit/atm card?
If you have lost your debit/credit/ATM card, please call us at 502-459-3000 and speak to a representative to close the card. If you have lost your debit/credit/ATM card after hours, please call us at 502-459-3000 and select option 1 to close the card. You may then stop by any branch to order a new one during our business hours.
Be vigilant and safeguard your business accounts against online threats.
Corporate Account Takeover (CATO) continues to be a significant threat to businesses. CATO is a type of fraud where thieves gain access to finances and financial information of a business to conduct unauthorized activities, such as stealing sensitive customer information, illegally transferring funds from the business, and creating and/or adding new fake employees to the payroll.
Here are some tips for preventing a corporate account takeover (CATO) and how to react if your company is victimized.
What to do if your business is victimized by CATO:
- Immediately shut down your computer systems that may be compromised, and disconnect those systems from internet access.
- If you suspect your business account has been a victim of a Corporate Account Takeover, please contact Transcend Credit Union at (502) 459-3000 and immediately take the following actions:
- Disable online access to accounts.
- Change online banking passwords.
- Request that the security and auditing departments review all recent transactions and electronic authorizations involving the account(s) in question.
- Ensure that no one has requested an address change, or re-ordered checks and/or debit cards to be sent to a different address.
- Maintain a written chronology of what happened, what was lost, and the steps taken to report the incident to the Credit Union and any other parties, such as authorities and firms that could be impacted. Record the date, time, telephone number, person spoken to, and any other relevant information.
- File a report with the police and any other relevant investigative agency regarding the intrusion. Having a police report on file will help when dealing with the bank, insurance companies, and any other parties who have been notified of the fraudulent activity.
Steps you can take to help prevent CATO and your business:
- Educate your employees at least annually about online fraud and how to prevent it. Review risky online behavior, such as visiting social media website and opening unsolicited e-mails and e-mail attachments. Show employees examples of suspicious websites and malicious software. New employees should receive this information shortly after joining your company.
- Monitor accounts daily.
- Reconcile accounts daily.
- Change passwords at least monthly. Use strong passwords that include a combination of symbols, numbers, and letters. Use a different password for each account, and don't save passwords to a computer.
- Be aware that Transcend Credit Union will never ask for sensitive information, such as User ID or password, over the phone or in an email.
- Instruct employees to never use a public computer or public Wi-Fi network to access the business' online systems.
- Log out of computers when not in use.
- Equip all computers with the latest security and anti-virus software.
- Install security updates promptly.
- Ensure that adequate firewalls are in place.
- Do not allow automatic login features, such as those that save login IDs and passwords for future use.
- Restrict administrative rights to computers.
Visit the following websites to learn more about how to protect your small business:
- Federal Communications Commission: 10 Cybersecurity Strategies for Small Businesses(opens a dialog)
- Better Business Bureau: Data Security Made Simpler